Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Rise and Shine All You Gold Digging Mothers

I was really wanting to post something about my weekend, except nothing exciting happened. The only memorable times of the weekend were this: Sleeping in and being almost 4 hours late to work, watching Men Who Stare at Goats, watching college football, and drinking a beer, burping, then proceeding to throw up a little of my dinner which consisted of wings, french fries and tea. In all, pretty laid back weekend.

But, have you ever been sitting, driving, or just blankly stared at something and realized something funny is going on or think of something that made you laugh your ass off? Well, driving to school last night, this rare occurance rendered its services for my entertainment. While crossing Lamar and Braker, I sent a douchy mass text stating, "I'm am jamming out to Pop music and people in cars are staring at me." My brother sent me a text saying "bePEAs" and that is sort of when it started. Not only were people staring at me, but my brother who lives 2 and a half hours away from correctly guessed the group I was listening to on the radio. It was Black Eye Peas "Tonight is going to be a good night." Directly to my 11 o'clock while sitting at the red light, I saw one of the many homeless persons that roam around Austin, begging for change because they have 2 children and a wife that is leaving him if he doesn't come up with bill and rent money. When I looked his way, I noticed him staring at me with this hurt/angry look on his face. This is when I realized, tonight was not going to be a good night for him, and I honestly beleive from the bottom of my little decaying heart that he beleived it was not going to be a good night for him also. I then started laughing hysterically.

Is it wrong that I find comical value in other peoples misery? No. Is it my fault they are in the situation? Maybe, both sides could be debatable. I could have stayed in school and they could have had my job or, they could have had the job first and beat me to it. Also, is it my fault they made bad decisions by wanting blow or meth rather than paying bills? Nope. So, are these beggers of the street variety off limits? I think not. You may have a different opinion, and that of course is fine. But for me, I will continue to laugh at a bum fight in an alley, a sign that says 'they are hungry', and I will continue to laugh at the choices they have made that led them there.

Final thought. Next time you see a sign that says "Will work for food.", go to that person and say, "Hey, how are you doing? I need my yard mowed and my house cleaned. I will pay you in two grilled cheeses, a hand full of Fritos and a pint of milk." See how many actually will take you up on that offer.


  1. Too true. I like it! Totally agreeing with the bum thing... Maybe I can pick one up to help me move next week.. and pay him with a couple grilled cheeses.. or maybe he'll steal all my stuff...

  2. Wow Brad!... You might as well be writing a book about being a dick (oh, wait that has already been done) HAHA... And I remember that text, sorry I didn't reply to it, I did laugh though!.. Keep up the blogging. I will be reading!
